Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Beginning a new chapter.

Next stop.. Hongcover.

For the next (at least) 3 years of my life, I will be spending them in "Hongcover". Its a nickname for Vancouver, Canada and a deserving one at that. Because of the large  number of Hong Kong citizens immigrating prior to the British handover of that city in 1997, it has hence gain its name Hongcover.

A new status, a new country, a new environment!
My thoughts are racing a thousand miles per minute. How am I gonna adapt to a new environment? How am I gonna cope with the fact that I am THAT far from everyone I've known for my entire life? And, Me driving!? Seriously?

What a huge step to take in life. I guess its about time I grow up and leave. well, you can never catch the right time to leave in life.... Singapore is my hometown, its where I was born and grew. It gives me a sense of dominance when I live here, to have friends whom I could relay on and family whom supports me. I have been living in my comfort zone for my life time and its time for a change. To start a new life, a new beginning and to build something special. Friends? I guess never again would I have so many friends, and such good ones, though I'm not exactly sure why. Perhaps, I've grown less likable over the years, or maybe I've just forgotten how to meet people. The initial introduction - that shaking-hands part - I can still manage. It's the follow up that throws me. Who calls whom, and how often? What if you decide after the second or third meeting that you don't really like this person? Up to what point are you allowed to back out? I used to know these things, but now they're a mystery. I guess it's time to learn again.

Nevertheless, I am SO excited and ready for this new and amazing chapter and journey in my life.